
American Legion Post 388 Inc. Mo.


Rental of Facilities   



Rental Fees/Procedures

Daily Rental for the "hall and kitchen" is Two Hundred Fifty dollars ($250) per day.  Fifty dollars to be returned if hall is left in same condition as rented.  A rental day is 9am tp 6 pm.  Exceptions can be made.

A reservation cannot be confirmed until a $50 deposit is submitted.  Deposit of $50 is to be made by check or cash.   Check to be written to American Legion Post 388 Mo.  

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  your deposit must be received no later than 7 days after you request the reservation or the reservation will not be confirmed. If you cancel a confirmed reservation for any reason. your deposit  WILL NOT be returned.

The deposit may be made up to three months in advance.

The deposit will be forfeited if the rental is not completed.

The rental fee will be collected no earlier than three days before the rental date.

The building will be inspected by a Legionnaire after each rental.  If building passes inspection and there are no damages, your deposit check will be returned when you return the key or it will be mailed to you if the key dropbox is used.

At the time of rental you will be given a copy of rules and regulations for the building use.  (See below)





The American Legion Post 388 wants to have a nice place for the community to use for reunions, parties, etc.  Some requirements on the renters' part are necessary in order to keep the rental rate reasonable.  Your efforts will be greatly appreciated.  To enable everyone to better use and enjoy the Legion Hall, we ask renters to adhere to the following requirements:

There is absolutely no smoking inside of the building.  This is per O’Fallon ordinance.

We agree to hold American Legion Post 388 Mo. Inc. harmless due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages on or off of our premises.

Renters are permitted the use of the main hall, kitchen, restrooms, tables, chairs, utilities and the grounds surrounding the building.

Normal rental hours are 9:00 a.m. to 6 pm; however, we will appreciate knowing the hours you intend using the hall.  Early entry and late cleanup are allowed under certain circumstances; however, there could be an additional charge of $25 for either. This must be prearrange with the Legion Representative

 A mop and a bucket are located in the closet.  After use, please return the mops to the same place. Brooms, dustpans, and mop bucket are located in the utility closet. Return items to same place after use. Guests are not expected to mop up the floors, just spills.

Renters are responsible for all items used in the building. Any damage to the building, or its contents, and/or failure to leave building in clean condition will result in loss of deposit.

Renters must provide their own paper products, 33-gallon plastic garbage bags, dish towels and cooking and serving containers.  All trash and garbage to be removed from premises!

It is the renters' responsibility to properly care for the use of the tables and chairs.  Eight 8 foot tables 3 round 4 foot tables and 60 chairs are provided, please note the arrangement of chairs and tables when you first enter the building, if you find it necessary to rearrange the tables and use any of the stacked chairs and tables, PLEASE RETURN THEM TO THEIR ORIGINAL POSITION. Failure to arrange the room as it was, will cause you to lose your deposit.

Renters are responsible for the cleaning of tabletops, floors, restroom, kitchen counter tops and kitchen sinks.  If the kitchen stove has been used, it must be thoroughly cleaned inside and outside.  Do not leave any food in the refrigerator

Please do not use tape on walls or ceiling?  Use and remove thumbtacks.

When finished with the use of the building, it is the responsibility of the renter to see that:

*** Kitchen stove is turned off and oven is clean

*** In cold weather, thermostat should be set on 55 degrees, leaving fan switch on AUTOMATIC.

*** In warm weather, turn thermostat to 84 degrees, leaving fan switch on AUTOMATIC.

*** All lights are turned off.

*** Windows and doors are locked.

*** The key is to be left in the dropbox, or returned to the designated Legionnaire when you depart the building.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!

If you have any questions, contact the Post @ (636) 294-5890 .

I (We) agree to these terms and conditions

X_____________________________________        Date______________________